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cloud print management

Google Cloud Print deprecation

Google Cloud Print deprecation

From January 1, 2021, Google Cloud Print will no longer be supported and devices across all operating systems will not be able to print using Google Cloud Print. is here to help you migrate.

Looking for an alternative to Google Cloud Print?

Print reliability and control should be at the top of the list for System Administrators.

Your organization is adopting serverless IT infrastructure, but you still have a mix of Windows PCs and Chromebooks. Google Cloud Print will be retired at the end of 2020, so what are your options?

  1. Introduce print servers 😕
  2. Run a mix of dedicated print management systems for Windows and Chromebooks 😭
  3. A 3rd party solution that covers it all  😎

Print servers – but why?

Introducing print servers is the opposite direction of travel to the rest of your IT infrastructure. You’ve already cloudified your email, backup and other mission critical services. Don’t allow print to be the only service that remains on-premises. Print server hardware or virtualization requires admin effort. Distributed organizations will need to manage servers or traffic between sites – not easy. Look for a serverless print solution.

Mix it up?

Mixing it up with Google Native printing & Windows Print may seem like a cost-effective option, but without consolidated print reporting, print limits, or harmonised policy enforcement, your print costs will spiral. Administrating two systems for a single business function (printing) is also not efficient – in fact it’s double the effort.

A single solution?

Luckily there are 3rd party solutions including that check the vital boxes:

You’re welcome to try free for 30 days, to ensure that the solution meets your needs. We’re happy to help.

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