DWEA Report: Print features heavily in organizations’ overall cloud strategy
The Digital Workspace Ecosystem Alliance (DWEA), a consortium of technology leaders dedicated to helping organisations enable secure productivity for all of their people, has released the results of its 2023 ‘State of the Digital Workspace’ survey.
The study, which surveyed 2,660 digital workspace professionals globally, found that the benefits of moving print to the cloud are now clearer than ever in IT leaders’ minds. The findings clearly show that the cloudification of print is an integral part of organisations’ digital workspace strategies. An overwhelming majority (93.1%), of respondents said that their cloud strategy involved cloud printing.
David Jenkins, CEO at directprint.io, a founding member of the Digital Workspace Ecosystem Alliance (DWEA) said: “It’s clear that print remains an indispensable part of many workflows. 97% of the organisations surveyed said they manage printing/scanning in-house. So, it’s reassuring to see that moving print to the cloud now features heavily in organisations’ overall cloud strategies.”
Hybrid working is here to stay for 58% of organisations, which brings the issue of how best to support a hybrid and remote workforce to the fore. In remote and hybrid environments, the
complexity of network printing increases exponentially, so it’s not surprising that managing printing/scanning at remote locations because of a hybrid workforce was cited as the top
challenge for over half (53.5%), of respondents.
“People want to print wherever they are – and from multiple devices – and that’s where cloud print management comes into its own,” Jenkins said. “With features such as Edge Print enables users to print when they are not on the same network as the printer – whether they’re at home, on a guest network, or even between offices.”
Driver management (31.1%) and supporting end-users’ (22.1%) printing and scanning needs in the digital workspace are two further challenges survey participants ranked highly.
“Cloud print management platforms such as directprint.io combine a unique universal driver and cloud administration platform to provide granular print access control to administrators, simplify printer provisioning and ongoing management,” Jenkins explained.
The commitment to long-term hybrid work has accelerated the need to move print management to the cloud and it’s clear that organisations are reaping the reward. After making the switch to cloud print management, 54.6% of survey respondents said their IT teams were either spending less time on print-related support or enjoying a combination of a
superior print experience, lower costs and less time investment.
Jenkins continued: “The business case for migrating print management to the cloud is compelling. IT teams spend less time supporting print; end-users benefit from a better print
experience; and organisations save money on print-related costs.
“Cloud services are billed and consumed as-a-service – freeing up CapEx budgets to be allocated elsewhere. Plus, a subscription-based pricing model is predictable and flexible, allowing organisations to scale up or down in line with their business needs,” he concluded.
The download the full report please click here.
About directprint.io
directprint.io is a feature-rich, transparent SaaS offering that allows users to quickly and effectively deploy, secure, control and track print management. The platform is zero-touch
and, once installed, no configuration is needed for new devices or end-users; security is built-in, local network printing ensures prints jobs never leave the customer’s network. directprint.io delivers full, real-time print analytics and offers competitive per-seat pricing for Chromebooks, Windows, and macOS environments.
About the DWEA
The Digital Workspace Ecosystem Alliance is a consortium of technology leaders dedicated to helping organizations enable secure productivity for all of their people. Together we are
committed to providing the vendor-neutral education and resources needed to empower organizations of all sizes to develop the Digital Workspace strategy that makes sense for their business. The DWEA is a 501(c)(6) not-for-profit organization dedicated to market education.
Current members of the DWEA include Cameyo, AppCURE, deviceTRUST, directprint.io, Fortinium, IGEL, Liquit, Login VSI, PolicyPak, Rimo3, Tricerat, and XenTegra.
Learn more about directprint.io’s partners here. Follow directprint.io on LinkedIn and Twitter.