Serverless printing supports a remote workforce
The world of work has changed, and hybrid working is here to stay. The pandemic propelled work-from-home into the mainstream and as a result, created a massive and long-lasting shift in workers’ preferences and behaviors.
According to the Future of Work 2023 report from Infosys, remote work is more than a trend and the transition out of the office is being led by executives. The study, which surveyed 2,500 senior executives and managers working in large companies with more than $1 billion in annual revenue, revealed that 59% of mid-managers and C-suite executives work in a flexible/remote space and 35% of executives do not have a permanent desk in the office.
Take control of print
Managing print has long been a pain for IT teams and today, with the workplace no longer a fixed location, but rather a place where people do their jobs, providing employees with seamless access to printing devices while keeping information secure, has become a whole lot harder.
In our last blog, we explored some of the benefits of serverless printing including scalability, improved efficiency, enhanced security, and end-user convenience. Here, we dig a little bit deeper into three key features of the cloud print management solution. Edge Print, QuickCodes, and device monitoring – which are designed to lessen the load on IT, reduce print-related support tickets, and provide remote workers with the ability to print securely, wherever they are.
Edge Print
With Edge Print it’s really easy to provide employees with access to printers whether they’re working from a remote location, branch office or at home. Put simply, Edge Print technology enables end-users to securely print when they are not on the same network as the printer.
Printers remain on a secure network and cannot be exposed to vulnerabilities that are common with personal devices and home networks, and remote print jobs remain within an organization’s already approved Google Workspace or Microsoft Azure infrastructure, ensuring that sensitive business information remains confidential.
Importantly, Edge Print also gives IT admins fine-grained control over which printers are available for remote printing and provides full visibility of printers outside of the corporate network.
QuickCodes QuickCodes enable IT to seamlessly allocate printers to individuals, groups or even location, support BYOD practices, allow guest printing or even grant special user privileges for a defined time period.
There are four options – Static QuickCodes provide access to a printer until the user decides to remove the printer from their app; a fixed expiry QuickCode is only valid for a specified time; a duration access QuickCode grants access to one or more printers for a specific duration; and a single-use QuickCode is valid for one-time use only.
Device monitoring
Available as an optional extra, advanced device monitoring capabilities can reduce printer downtime and help IT admins stay ahead of print-related support tickets.
Using Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) to monitor printer status, device health, paper levels, volumes, toner levels, and more, the platform provides a comprehensive overview of fleet performance and counters, empowering IT leads to proactively respond to common issues such as paper jams or low toner levels and resolve them before an end-user raises a support ticket.
Admins can also set up alerts to inform them of low supplies or device errors, view performance data in real-time via the admin console, and export it via CSV for further processing and analysis.
There are many more ways that can revolutionize how you manage print. Why not find out how today? It only takes a few minutes to sign up for a free trial or book a demo.
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