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cloud print management

How it works

So, how does it work?

The client app is a full-stack print driver for Chrome, Chromebooks, Windows & macOS. has no dependency on Cloud Print or printer manufacturer drivers.
Giving you a consistent print experience across all platforms.

The driver app is a full-stack print driver, it replaces the functionality of Cloud Print and the Chromebook’s built-in CUPS print system or Windows or macOS print drivers.

Our driver supports:

IPP (Internet Printing Protocol)
RAW printing protocol (port 9100)
PDF & PostScript 3
Airprint™ & PWG (Printer Working Group)
Label and receipt drivers: Zebra EPL, Epson ESC/POS, Star
PJL commands for job control
PPD configuration files to enable advanced print functions

Manufacturer provided drivers not required

There is no need for manufacturer-provided drivers, all printers have the same predictable performance. Software for your mixed printer fleet is provided by a single solution –

Our driver supports an array of printer languages (PDLs or emulations) ensuring maximum compatibility with your existing printers, from any manufacturer.

No messy driver deployments
No print servers required
Simple, smarter, easier to manage printing

Continuously evolving software for an ever-evolving world

At we have a rapid-deployment ethos to our software development process. Our Cloud Service is frequently updated according to new feature availability and direct customer feedback.

As is a Cloud Service, you’ll never hear us talk about server release version numbers or any other legacy terms associated with on-premises print management.

You’ll have the latest, greatest version, always, with no painful server upgrades required.

Simple, smarter, easier to manage printing
Seamless cloud updates
Automatic and manual client update options

Microsoft and Windows are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the US and/or other countries. Adobe and PostScript 3 are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Adobe Systems Incorporated in the US and/or other countries. Google Workspace, Chrome, Chromebooks and Android are trademarks of Google LLC. Airprint, Mac and macOS are trademarks of Apple Inc., registered in the US and other countries. PCL is a registered trademark of HewlettPackard Company. All other company names, product names and logotypes are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective owners